
The terms file should provide all students attending the institution by a requested academic period. This file should be provided each requested academic period to track student progress over time. It should include all enrolled students in the institution in the requested academic period. This means, if a student is enrolled in the institution in a specific term under a specific program, then that student should appear in this file. The status of the student enrollment under a specific program in a specific term should be specified as well.

Examples can be found for each column in the image above or here in the sample file.

Note that column names are case sensitive and must be listed exactly as shown below.

Column Name

Acceptable Values


Student ID provided by the institution


  • The program code that corresponds to the current enrollment for this term
  • Use UNDECIDED or NONDEGREE as indicated for applicable students


  • Term program status indicator
  • One of:
    • INTENDED - Used if a student is intending to graduate within a program but has not yet been accepted to that program
    • ACCEPTED - Used if a student has been accepted to the program, they intend to graduate in
    • UNDECIDED - Used if a student has no intended degree program
    • NONDEGREE - Used if a student is not pursuing a degree or if they are pursuing a degrees at another institution


  • Semester(term) and year when the student was enrolled
  • One of Winter yyyy, Spring yyyy, Summer yyyy, Fall yyyy. Where yyyy is the 4-digit year format


Fulltime indicator for this term

  • One of:
    • TRUE
    • FALSE
  • Empty cell


Student's pell eligibility indicator for this term

  • One of:
    • TRUE
    • FALSE
  • Empty cell


  • Total gpa over academic career of the student
  • Decimal between 0.0-5.x
  • Where GPA is not available, please use 9.99
  • No commas or quotes


  • Total number of points the student has earned
  • Must be a whole number or decimal
  • No commas or quotes
  • Empty cell


  • Total number of credit hours student has taken
  • Must be a whole number or decimal
  • No commas or quotes


  • GPA for requested term of the student
  • Decimal between 0.0-5.x
  • Where GPA is not available, please use 9.99
  • No commas or quotes


  • Number of points the student has earned for the requested term
  • Must be a whole number or decimal
  • No commas or quotes
  • Empty cell


  • Number of credit hours student has taken for the requested term
  • Must be a whole number or decimal
  • No commas or quotes
  • Empty cell


  • A student's term can be associated with either a program by supplying the aforementioned program_code or a concentration within that program by additionally supplying a concentration_code
  • Empty cell
